Window Client 2000/XP/Vista OS MP for OpsMgr 2007

The Microsoft Windows Client 2000/XP/Vista Operating System Management Pack provides fundamental monitoring basics for computers running Windows Client 2000, XP, or Vista operating systems.

The Windows Client Monitoring Management Pack is built to detects, diagnose, and resolve hardware and software problems pertaining to Client 2000, XP, and Vista operating systems. Information and analysis on the issues that the system detected are collected by the MPs through an agent on the client machine, and sent to OpsMgr where this data is converted into health state, alerts (if need be) and processed for business critical and aggregate reports. The MP gives a clear picture of catastrophic failures in your mission critical machines, trend-based alerts of significant changes to computer groups, in-depth views of health of individual machines, and reports that provide a landscape view of the health of all monitored clients.

Feature Summary

* Key Processor Performance Indicators
* Logical and Physical disk performance and free space
* Memory utilization
* Network health
* Health monitoring of key Windows Operating System services
* Comprehensive performance collections
* Availability and event reports

Release History

* 3/23/2007 – Original release of the English version of Client 2000/XP management packs, version 6.0.5000.0
* 5/11/2007 – Original release of the English version of Vista management pack, version 1.0
* 1/15/2008 – Guide update of Client 2000/XP management packs, version 6.0.5000.0
* 2/22/2008 – Updated release of Client 2000/XP management packs, version 6.0.6278.0
* 5/27/2008 – Release onto Microsoft Download Center of Client 2000/XP management packs, version 6.0.6278.0
* 2/16/2009 – Update release that includes business Critical monitoring for Vista and bug fixes for performance and aggregate monitoring, version 6.0.6520.0