Visual Studio 2010 Resource Kit

As your application development needs become more sophisticated and your development team grows, Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 can help you find the shortest path between your ideas and successful implementation. The Visual Studio 2010 Resource Kit provides a deep offering of online and offline content.

Deploying Windows® 7 Essential Guidance from the Windows 7 Resource Kit and TechNet Magazine

Download the New eBook: Deploying Windows® 7 Essential Guidance from the Windows 7 Resource Kit and Microsoft® TechNet Magazine. Looking for guidance specific to Windows 7 deployment? Check out what the industry’s leading experts have to say in this free Microsoft Press eBook with selected chapters from the Windows 7 Resource Kit on Deployment Platforms, Planning, Testing Application Compatibil

Response Point SP2 Resource Kit

Microsoft Response Point SP2 Resource Kit includes tools for bulk editing users and phone configuration via a command line interface. The resource kit also contains a tool for configuring generic IP phones for use with Response Point as well. Microsoft Download Link..


Kobe is a “getting started” resource kit on planning, architecting, and implementing Web 2.0 applications and services using the Microsoft Platform. Kobe is a “getting started” resource kit on planning, architecting, and implementing Web 2.0 applications and services using the Microsoft Platform. The target audiences for this resource kit are technology decision makers, hands-on solution… Continue reading KOBE